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The name SIMPLY THRIVE NOW came from my love of these three ideas and how they relate to grit, resiliency & mindfulness.

SIMPLY= GRIT because the more I learn about grit the more I realize that it's simple. You just do what you say you will do even when you don't want to. When you think it's hard, you do it. When you think it sounds inconvenient or not, you do it. Whether you think it sounds fun or not, you do it. You only decide once, and that simplifies everything.

THRIVE=RESILIENCY because thriving is getting through the good, the bad and the ugly. Thriving is dealing with all of life's adversity and coming out on the other side, better than before.

NOW=MINDFULNESS because truly experiencing the present moment is all we have right now. Being at peace with our now is powerful.

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